Need a "naked" fix

My foot after my first "naked" run.

Did I mention I had a hip injury recently? Well, its finally recovering and I think I will attempt some more "naked" running tomorrow. Funny story though. The hip injury wasn't from running, but from dancing. Dancing! Can you believe that? I guess that's what happens when you turn 40. I have to boldly admit that I'm no whipper-snapper anymore. 

Whipper-snapper or not, life and chaos are in control this week (my youngest is starting his first day of preschool today) and between BMX gate practice with my oldest son, soccer practice, and laundry I'm not able to run. Tomorrow maybe. I just can't explain how excited I am to get out their barefoot! I'm looking for my "naked" fix. Its hard when you're always last on the list.


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