Shameless Promotion: A Slightly Drunk Video
Ok. I will admit to doing a little bit of shameless promotion. Not that I plan on whoring myself out for free shit (lie: Yes I am) or anything like that in the near future... buuuuut, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. (And I do realize that the thumbnail looks like I'm flipping everybody off. My apologies. I really do like you guys - insert innocent smile here - ) Here's some quick-ish updates: 100 MILER RACE REGISTRATION CASH FLOW I think I've stumbled upon a way of getting at least $125 towards my 100 miler race paid. Yup. It involves a product review and my cooter. No. Its not sex toys although, that was one of the options I had available and actually considered. This review, which I'm not totally sure if I will be doing yet since I haven't seen anything in the mail, is something that most women who are ultra runners might want to seriously consider using. That's all I'm going to say on that topic for now. You'll have to wait