Finding Chocolate in My Pants - A Body Butter Inspiration
Uh. Whaaa? So the other day I was changing to get ready to go to the gym and as I was climbing out of my jeans and panties (I like to take both off in one full swoop for efficiency) I found a large chunk of chocolate smeared on my inner right thigh. Real chocolate. Not the metaphorical kind. Trust me. A lot of things go through your mind when you encounter smeared ANYTHING in your pants. But being an ultra runner, (and if you've ever been out on a LONG run without toilet amenities you'll know what I'm talking about here) I was confident in my ability to handle the situation. Suddenly a whole Question and Answer series scrolled in my head. Question in my head: Whaaaaa?... (Honestly, I was confused and having trouble comprehending the whole situation.) Answer in my head: Dear God, that better be chocolate. ( After a little inspection, thankfully it was.) Q: I don't remember eating chocolate recently. ( I realize this isn't a question, but it ...