
Showing posts from March, 2012

Run In Peace Micah True

As an agnostic I don't believe in a God, but I do believe that in our death we still hold the potential to create meaning and make a difference. One soul cannot leave this earth without making a mark on it. If you've been following the news lately, you may have heard that Micah True (aka Caballo Blanco) the ultra-runner and race director of the Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon was found deceased after four days in the Gila National Forest. He left for a twelve mile run and never came back. I've never met the man, (he was one person who I was hoping I would have the opportunity to meet at some point in my running adventures) but from what I've heard he was a genuine soul and good friend to a lot of people. In January, Micah True wrote these words on his facebook page: "If I were to be remembered for anything at all, I would want that to be that I am/was authentic. No Mas. Run Free!" To honor Micah True on his next journey one of his friends suggested ma...

The Mindfuck 50 Miler

Those of us who are new to running ultra marathons often struggle with picking our races based on what we think our bodies and minds can handle. We are still in the process of discovering our potential. Most of the time its the distance we worry about. Should I do a marathon or a 50k? A 50k or a 50 miler?  I feel lucky (and somewhat surprised by my casual confidence at this point) that I'm certain I will be attempting a 50 miler soon (at least within the next year or so.) Its not a matter of "if" I should do it. I'm gonna do it. Its more a matter of "where" I'm gonna do it. So if I'm gonna pop my 50 miler ultra cherry I want it to be special. Yeah. I'm like that. Decisions are rough sometimes. This one especially. I decided that although the American River 50 Miler is a good race for the 50 miler newbie, I don't want to run in my own backyard. I play here all the time. And like I said, I want it to be special. I want it to be different. ...

Rodeo 50k Race Report GOOD TIMES!

A peek of the Golden Gate at Rodeo Valley 50k (WARNING: This post exceeds 3,000 words. You can tell me to shut up now.) I haven't laughed this much since the New York City Barefoot Run last October. I'm amazed at how the universe has somehow brought together (and subsequently subjected the "serious" running community to) this quirky group of like-minded, crazy-witted, life-embracing, and often times very immature characters of the barefoot/minimalist running community. We are not serious folk by any means. Take the picture below for example: Meet the Robillards. Super Beer Man and Wine Woman. A perfect representation of our general attitude toward our group race event we completed this past weekend. We were all ready to run the Rodeo Valley 50k. An ultra-marathon located along the coastal bluffs of the Marin Headlands just outside of San Francisco. This event was a great excuse for all of us to get together, have a few laughs, enjoy the beauty of the ...

When Nature Calls... Pee Standing Up!

There's something about men that I've always found profoundly enviable. As a mother to two boys I am occasionally faced with a situation where one of my kids needs to urinate in a less than convenient location. Often times the inconvenient part of the equation is the mere fact that there is no toilet. Or the toilet is too far to go in a dire-last-minute-didn't-think-to-use-the-loo-before-we-left-the-house sorta circumstance. So what's a mother to do? I will openly admit (and I've seen other moms of boys do this too, so don't tongue click the "tsk tsk" at me here) I have allowed my kid to "water a tree." And yeah. That's what I tell them. "Go water a tree." Judge me if you want. That's what I do. And while they are relieving themselves I am green with envy. Seriously. Not only do I need to bleed like a stuck pig once every month and carry babies for nine months but the miracle of life made it necessary to expose my whit...

TMI Is A Good Thing

Fight Club will teach you how to "get tight." Most of us who started barefoot running within the last few years have done so on a blind path. We've had limited resources available to us and most of our questions were asked in barefoot running forums to other barefoot runners going through similar journeys. Don't get me wrong. Talking to others is not a bad way to learn and learning by trial and error can be a good thing. I happen to believe we learn best through our failures than through our successes. But taking on a new endeavor like barefoot or minimal running can be a little intimidating especially when you're looking to ditch the ultra motion controls in favor of completely naked or zero drop like I did. And not everyone has access to a professional trainer and coach who not only understands the importance of good running form, but the importance of strength and functional movements in running, sports, and life in general. Yeah. I count myself lucky in...

Are You A WInner or a Whiner?

My digital graffiti. Who's number 2, baby!!? Coming in second or being first place loser pays off big time today! Cuz if you're Adam B. then you're a winner! The rest of you are probably whiners. Sorry.  Adam, if you could email me (my email is on my About page) with your shirt request (design, size, color, shipping info, etc...) I'll be sure to hook you up. Congrats! And dude, if I don't hear from you in about a week, I'll have to pick another number. So get on it man! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Adam B. is number 2! For the rest of you, I wanna lob a big ol' THANK YOU for participating in my giveaway and "liking" my Zaps Threads FB page . Its not easy being a lone designer with a little ol online shop these days. Especially considering all the other things I have on my plate (literally as we speak). And don't get me started on Blogger! I know some of you guys were having trouble commenting on my blog. I haven...