24 Hour Countdown T & A

WARNING: This post may not be suitable for all audiences. If you've ever read my blog, you won't be surprised by this, but I have to launch advisories every time I overshare. So... yeah... this post has a tiny bit of oversharing in it. Mostly in the form of pictures displaying partial nudity but all in the spirit of spontaneity and fun. That means this is not porn or smut. Sorry to disappoint but there are no triple X's here. Not even double X or single X. Ok maybe a tiny bit of single X if you stretch your imagination enough, but that being said if you think the randomness below is juvenile, stupid, questionable, crass, delinquent, the by-product of demon worship, inappropriate, or deviant behavior then you should have stopped reading four sentences ago. But if you got this far chances are you're still here. In that case...let me tell you about some fun I had a few weekends back. The hubs and I got to spend a little time sans the kids. We dropped the ki...