Wanna FREE SHiRT? CoMe GEt sOMe!
I would give you the shirt off my back but my gym has rules against that. It doesn't matter anyway because you have a chance to win a free shirt here instead! I've had this serious urge to design and so little time to do it. If I had my way I would be designing a whole lot more than I am now. My head is constantly swimming with ideas most of which I really can't make heads or tails of because there's so much I need to sift through to get to the good stuff. That being said, I managed to eek out a few "new" designs this round, but if you take a peek at the Zaps Threads Store you'll notice a couple new designs that I added a while back that will also be part of the free shirt giveaway. In fact, any design I've done so far is up for grabs on a shirt so come get some! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So if you're game for a giveaway here's the scoop: WHAT YOU GET: The winner gets a...