Lost Coast Backpacking Trip 2021 Reflections are fascinating. And so beautiful. It's a random Tuesday morning and despite having ignored this blog for years something in my head told me to come back and check in. It's a sort of inner growth check-in because re-reading these posts gives me HUGE perspective on where I've been. As a brand marketer, solopreneur I've been using a lot of AI to aid in my writing lately - I gotta add that in somewhere because not only has my life shifted in so many ways but so has technology and the world at large. In a BIG way. One that is fundamentally changing my career. I say this just to also say how I am not using AI on this blog whatsoever (you'd be able to tell anyway by dead giveaway words like AMPLIFY, UNLOCK POTENTIAL (AI loves to unlock things. Apparently it's got keys to the whole universe!) TRANSFORMATIONAL (I'm guilty of overusing this word thanks to my naive exhuberance when I first discovered the OpenAI playground. ...