The Underwear Conundrum
When writing my blog posts I often debate whether or not I should broach certain subjects which are slightly indecent, moderately suggestive, offensive, superficial or kinda stupid. Yeah. Well, most of the time I write about them anyway. Today's post is certainly no exception. In all honesty, its a perfectly reasonable question and since we're all adults here (hopefully) I figure I will throw it out there. I don't mean to be naughty or crass, but this subject matter is something I think most of us are curious about, myself included. And something most women have probably thought about or dealt with while either running or working out. Maybe other women will read this, answer my question or have advice. So at the risk of being labeled an attention whore, here's my post and question. What do you wear under your gym clothes? I'm not asking this in a kinky, sleezy, breathy "hey there sexy, tell me what you're wearing..." sort of way. I'm asking thi...