Fuck The Krista Who Gives a Fuck

Wearing a bikini at Donner Lake. I caught myself in a "what other people think" spiral the other day. I really hate when I do that. Its totally unhealthy and disparaging, and frankly, I'm a little disappointed that I let those thoughts control me. That kind of thinking often tries to dominate the most menial of my decision making. Those thoughts make me wanna punch myself in the face Fight Club style. I usually put up a good fight though and lately I've been the champion of a few, but sadly... sometimes... they win. So what was the stupid task that triggered this whole in-head drama? I decided to change my profile pic on facebook. Yup. Stupid, huh? Here's what that stupid conversation looked like in my head... Krista Who Gives a Fuck I wanna update my Facebook page profile. Our vacay at Donner was so nice and relaxing. Those would be good. Krista Who Doesn't Give a Fuck I love that shot from that little summit above the train tunnel. Tha...