Wha? You Found Me With That? And another Top 10 List...

Never run when carrying anything helium inflated and shaped like a penis. I like to look at my online traffic stats from time to time. It's nerdy entertainment and since I'm like 95% weinerdog it satisfies my inner geek. I want to know where you people are and how you got here on my blog. I'm nosy like that. But it's not like I wanna know exactly where you live in a creepy, stalky kinda way - ok, maybe a little bit - but I promise all my stalking will be limited to Google. I won't actually get in my car, drive to your house, knock on your door, and offer you candy. Unless you've got whiskey, then I might invite myself in for a drink. So, on occasion, I look at the search terms and phrases used to find my blog and most of the time I just end up shaking my head. You people are tweaked. Like when I see the search term Dead people . Wha? Really? Uh. I really don't know what to say. You found my blog with that? Then there's the phrase Wed...