Foul Weather Training
California Super Storm Its now officially all of a sudden winter here in California and there's going to be a deluge of weather in the next ten days. So I, being the sane and sensible person that I am < insert sarcastic voice here > decided to do something very reasonable. I decided to help sweep the marathon portion of the North Face Endurance Challenge Championship in Marin this weekend. I did that. I seem to be getting good at doing stupid things. "But why is this so stupid, Krista?" you ask. Because it just so happens that this weekend (and probably for the next ten days) we are under extreme weather alert. Its our little mini west coast version of hurricane Sandy. We like to call it a Storm Siege California or California Super Storm. You know. Whatever makes it sound like California is going to fall off the edge of the continent at a ny moment will describe this storm perfectly. And no Super Storm would be complete without catastrophic activity lik...