The journey begins...
I have walked on hot, pointy gravel that's all stabby and stuff and now I'm attempting to run on it. Barefoot. Actually, I have no intentions whatsoever to torture myself, but being as this is my first post in my blog journey about barefoot running, I thought I would just say that I am not a virgin when it comes to pain. In fact, like most runners, I've struggled through all sorts of issues from morton's neuroma to plantar fascitis to runner's knee. I'm also a mom of two very active boys which makes me susceptible to all kinds of physical and mental challenges. I've been running most of my life and only recently decided to take on this new endeavor... barefoot running. My goal is to keep running well into my old and crochety days, injury free. So this is my journey. My aim is to be totally honest about how it works out. I'll keep you posted as to how it goes.
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